They say a dog is a man’s best friend.
It’s estimated that approximately 37-47% of all households in the United States own a dog.
If you are planning on adopting a dog from an animal shelter, you would be providing a home for a dog in need. In fact, approximately 2.4 million adopted cats and dogs are euthanized each year in animal shelters in the United States. That’s approximately one every thirteen seconds. In other words, you are being a hero for your decision of adopting from an animal shelter.
It’s important to note, however, that when you are adopting a dog from a shelter, any fees associated with the adoption itself often support the “cost of care your adopted dog has received while at the shelter.” There are numerous fees associated with adopting pets, namely dogs, and an online personal loan can be a way of paying for these costs, if you are interested in adopting.
The costs that you may face include spay and neuter costs, which may be done in an animal shelter. This largely depends on the size and breed of your dog, but the fees may range from $45-$175, with an additional $10-$20 for pain relief medication. In comparison, it’d cost approximately $200-$500 if you spayed or neutered your dog on your own.
There are a few shots that your dog will require, such as vaccinations that can prevent them from a variety of illnesses. These run approximately $40 versus the cost of upwards of $150 if done outside an animal shelter. In fact, costs for care of a dog for the first year, depending on its size, is between $1,300 and $1,800.
This is a significant amount of money that you will be responsible for, so instead of being discouraged by these financial responsibilities, you may want to consider how an online personal loan can provide assistance for you and your family.
The benefits of an online personal loan for adopting pets are that they are no-collateral loans, which means you aren’t putting up any property or assets. The process is quick and simple and registering takes a few minutes.
Please use personal loans responsibly. These loans shouldn’t be used for paying regular bills.
ASPCA: https://www.aspca.org/about-us/faq/pet-statistics
The Humane Society of the United States: http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/pet_overpopulation/
Pet360: http://www.pet360.com/dog/adoption/dog-adoption-fees-explained/yYN9mLni4EGjsa9MkXjO3Q
ASPCA: https://www.aspca.org/adopt/pet-care-costs
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